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How Work Uniforms Can Boost Your Business

How Work Uniforms Can Boost Your Business

A work uniform can do wonders for your company; not only does it look good but it boosts productivity. Let’s take a look at how housekeeping uniforms can boost your business, and how you can choose the perfect uniforms for your staff members.
7 Reasons to Hire a Housekeeper

7 Reasons to Hire a Housekeeper

Getting the assistance of a housekeeper is an option that many people consider. Here are a few great benefits that you can enjoy when hiring a professional housekeeper.
Caddies vs. Aprons: Which is best?

Caddies vs. Aprons: Which is best?

If you’re part of a cleaning team, you know just how important it is to have all your cleaning tools with you. But do you choose a caddy or an apron? Let’s compare the two and see what benefits they offer.
Houskeeping & Uniforms - Taking a Look at History

Houskeeping & Uniforms - Taking a Look at History

Housekeeping staff has been around for ages, and so have their uniforms. We take a closer look at the importance of a housekeeping uniform, and how history has changed in this profession.
Why Your Business Needs Housekeeping Uniforms

Why Your Business Needs Housekeeping Uniforms

If you are in the hospitality industry, you’ll know just how important your brand image is. It forms part of your service to your customers, so wearing the right clothing is important. Let’s take a closer look at the reasons why your business needs professional housekeeping uniforms.
Housekeeping Uniforms Through the Ages

Housekeeping Uniforms Through the Ages

Though the roles, social status and meaning of the term ‘housekeeping staff’ has changed over the past 150 years, there are still many similarities between the original intentions and purposes of the uniforms worn by housekeeping assistants.
10 Famous Housekeepers from TV and Movies

10 Famous Housekeepers from TV and Movies

When you think of a housekeeper, what comes to mind? For me, I can’t help but think of a housekeeper’s uniform – specifically a black housemaid’s dress with a white apron. I’m not sure why this comes to mind! It is likely that I saw this uniform as a child, perhaps on TV or in a movie and it has stuck in my memory. TV and movies have the power to shape how we think and what will come to mind when we think about certain topics.
7 Useful Features of a Housekeeping Uniform

7 Useful Features of a Housekeeping Uniform

A housekeeping uniform is useful for identifying members of staff and for portraying your brand as a whole. By choosing the right housekeeping uniform, you can ensure that your staff look smart and make a good impression on your clients and customers. Uniform can also help to build team spirit because it makes everyone feel as though they are part of the team rather than one individual doing an individual role.